Friday, May 6, 2011

WOW...Way too long

So sorry it has been sooo long since I have posted. My life has been crazy busy lately. I started my own little business from home. I know make and sell gift baskets. I call them Beautiful Baskets by Lora. I have been wanting to do something for awhile now that I could sell but didn't know what I wanted to do. One day I put together a gift basket for a friend's baby shower and it dawned on me that I was pretty good at it. I have always gotten pure joy out of giving gifts and finding unique ways to package them. Now I can make a little money doing that. God is soooo GOOD!! It has been going well. That has been keeping me busy along with being mommy and working at the restraunt a couple days a week. Here are a few pics of my baskets...

Baker's Basket!

Graduation Basket

Mother's Day Basket...Full of Chocolate!!!

Baby Shower Basket for my cousin!

Kaylee update:

She turned 8 mths old yesterday. I just can't believe that I will have a 1 year old in 4 mths. Time has just flown by. I am truly loving every minute of it though. She is now crawling. Not on her hands and knees though. She does the army crawl, which of course I think is completely adorable. I had lots of fun getting her all dressed up for her first Easter. She was sooo beautiful! She is teething. Nothing has come in yet. She is not enjoying it though. Definetly a lot more cranky. Doesn't want to eat much. So it is taking a lot of patience. She is still so sweet though. She just started waving and giving mommy kisses. I am just so in love with her. Here are a few recent pics.

Kaylee all dolled up for Easter Sunday!!! My sister bought this dress for her!

Getting her first Easter basket! She went straight for the toy!
Family pic on Easter Sunday!!!
Meeting the Easter Bunny

So I will be celebrating my first Mother's Day on Sunday. I am looking forward to it. Although I realized the other day that saying I am a mother makes me feel old. To say I am a mom is ok but when I say I am a mother I just feel old. I am still looking forward to my first Mother's Day. I think Mother's Day will always be bittersweet for me. I am celebrating that I am a mom to a beautiful gift from God but at the same time my mom is now in heaven and I don't get to celebrate her the same way anymore. Today my sister and I went to the cemetary and planted flowers at her grave. It was our way of giving her something for Mother's Day.

Mom's grave with the pretty flowers we planted.

Me an mom on my wedding day. June 2, 2007. I love her and miss her sooo much!
Well that is all I have for now. I promise I will try to be better at this. Hope all the moms out there have a very special Mother's Day. If you need a basket for anything just let me know. I would love to make one for you. I do ship if you need it shipped. Here is the link to my facebook page: Beautiful Baskets by Lora

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