Friday, February 25, 2011

Busy weeks ahead....

So here we go again. I am gonna try to be good at this blogging thing. I have failed in the past but people want to know what is going on in my life and what is new with Kaylee. So I will try to keep it updated.

I got a job a couple weeks ago. I waitress a couple days a week at Kidron Town and Country. It is a pretty great schedule. I work Thursdays and Saturdays. So I am HOME the majority of the time with Kaylee. Pretty wonderful! This job is truely a blessing.

Just been busing working on the house lately. The bathroom is ALMOST complete. Just a few more things and it will be DONE! I can't wait. We have been working on it slowly since July. Then we are on to the spare bedroom. Finally getting rid of the nasty carpet in there. So the next few weekends are packed full. This weekend Val and Kevin are coming over for dinner on Friday! YAY! Love hanging out with them! Saturday Nevin will be working in the bathroom while I go off to work. He is gonna be super dad! Then next weekend He will be gone for a men's convention. I will miss him but I have lots of plans! Friday night the ladies from church are coming over while the men are gone. Saturday I work a full day for the machinary sale then that night I am having a tastefully simple party! YUMMY!!!! Looking forward to our plans but gonna be busy.

So Kaylee....she is getting so big. Almost 6 months old. Sitting up good on her own and holding her own bottle. She is eating baby food now. She likes everything we give her. I am so proud of her. She learns so fast and is so much fun. She loves watching Bella play fetch. Everytime Bella brings her toy back Kaylee just starts laughing. I love it! It is the most precious sound in the world! I am so glad that God has trusted me with her care!

Kaylee wearing my hat on the top! On the bottom sitting up all by herself. Love her smile here!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world! I love the pics of Miss Kaylee! She is so cute! I look forward to reading...xoxo
